Park Babysitting
The Human Services Career Cluster is important in Virginia. Professionals in this cluster work to support clients and customers. They are active in community centers, healthcare facilities, schools, and spas. Sometimes, they provide direct help. They may teach individuals new skills related to daily living. Those skills might include bathing, dressing, or eating. Human services professionals can connect people to resources or facilities. Personal care careers include personal training, cosmetology, and funeral services.
People working in the Human Services Career Cluster build relationships with clients. For example, mental health counselors build relationships so that they can connect with patients. This allows clients to feel comfortable sharing problems, needs, and concerns. Employees and customers in personal care services also need to build strong relationships. For example, hair stylists need to understand how customers want to represent themselves before they cut their hair, give a scalp treatment, or shave a face. It is also important customers feel confident that their needs will be met.
Dropping Back In

People who work in the Human Services Career Cluster hope to help clients reach their goals. View the video From GED to PhD: Kellie Blair Hardt – Dropping Back In from eMediaVA℠. You will learn how one woman overcame a difficult childhood to become a special education teacher. Think about the relationships that Kellie Blair Hardt built with people in the Human Services Career Cluster when she was young. How did they help mold her into the woman she is today? Click the player button to begin.
Workplace Skills for Human Services
Professionals in the Human Services Career Cluster need to have Big Picture Thinking. This means that they understand their role in fulfilling the mission of the workplace. They also consider the social, economic, and environmental impacts of their actions. Also, these workers need to have Customer Service Orientation. This means anticipating and addressing the needs of customers and coworkers. It also means providing thoughtful, courteous, and knowledgeable service.
Career Connection: Cosmetology

Learn what it takes to be a successful cosmetologist. Watch the video Career Connections: Cosmetology from eMediaVA℠. Through this career, employees get to use artistic abilities and science to make people feel good about themselves. Click the player button to begin.
Career Connection: Developmental Disabilities Worker

Join a community training supervisor for a busy day of on-site visits and meetings. She helps find and maintain employment for individuals with developmental disabilities. View the video Career Connections: Developmental Disabilities Worker from eMediaVA℠ to learn more. Click the player button to begin.