
Park Games

What Is Manufacturing?

What Is Manufacturing? Interactivity

Manufacturing is the processing of materials into intermediate or final products. It is also the related professional and technical support activities. Manufacturing creates final products from intermediate products. A company may manufacture wires and then sell them to other companies. That company may use the wires to manufacture electrical products. In this activity, learn more about what it means to manufacture something. Click the player button to begin.

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Robots in Manufacturing

Rise of the Robots: The Ethics of Robotics Video

When you think of manufacturing, do you picture assembly lines? While it is true that this type of manufacturing is still around, automation and robots take part in some of it. Take a moment to view the video Rise of the Robots: The Ethics of Robotics from eMediaVA℠. You will learn how robots actually can create new jobs in the Manufacturing Career Cluster. Click the player button to begin.

Workplace Skills for Manufacturing Careers

Those in the Manufacturing Career Cluster often work around large, dangerous equipment or materials. Their workspaces are often heavily regulated by government standards and corporate safety rules. Because of this, it is important that they exhibit Workplace Safety. This means that they maintain a safe work environment by adhering to safety guidelines and identifying risks to self and others.

Career Connection: Manufacturing

Career Gates: Manufacturing Video

View the video Career Gates: Manufacturing, from eMediaVA℠. You will get a first-hand glimpse at the Manufacturing Career Cluster from many people. This includes workers at businesses like Coca-Cola™, Just Born Candy™, Martin Guitar™, and Rexroth™. Through their insights, you will discover the many processes it takes to create products. Also, it is evident that employees have a lot of opportunities to acquire a job and advance. Click the player button to begin.

Career Connection: Laser Technician Supervisor

Laser Technician Supervisor Video

Next, view the video Laser Technician Supervisor, from eMediaVA℠. You will discover how Dave DeGrand uses a variety of workplace skills to succeed in his job at a laser manufacturing company. Through cutting-edge technology, employees at this company are able to meet the expectations of their customers. Click the player button to begin.

Growth of Manufacturing Career Cluster

Experts expect Virginia to have a 1% growth in the number of manufacturing jobs by 2024. The rest of the country will likely employ 1% fewer individuals. By 2024, there will be 271,400 people working in the Manufacturing Career Cluster in the Commonwealth. The manufacturing industry is facing a skills gap due to the retirement of older workers. Applicants who train in manufacturing skills may have better job prospects.

Manufacturing Pathways

Manufacturing Pathways InteractivityThe Manufacturing Career Cluster has six different pathways associated with it. In this interactivity, learn about each of these pathways, including their descriptions, sample job titles, salaries, and required education. Click the player button to begin.

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Virginia Department of Education's Career Planning Guide

Are you interested in learning more about the occupations shown in the six pathways in the Manufacturing Career Cluster? Visit the Virginia Department of Education's Manufacturing Career Planning Guide to explore these pathways and careers in more detail.

Get Started: Clubs and Organization

There are many clubs and organizations you can join to get started in this career cluster. Consider becoming part of the ASM Materials Education Foundation. This nonprofit gets students excited about careers in materials, science, and engineering. Middle school students can take part in Materials Camp. On-the-job training is key to success in this career cluster. Once you are old enough, you can ask local companies about job shadowing.

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