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Most linear equations, but not all, are functions.  This is true of any family of equations we encounter (you will learn the names of other “function families” later in this unit).  Therefore, when we have a linear equation that is a function, it is important to designate it as a function somehow.  This is what “function notation” does for us.

presentation icon Click here to learn more about function notation.
discussion board icon When you look at your computer desktop, you see several icons. This represents a function. 

Answer the following question and post your answer to the discussion board:

How does the icon represent a function? What would happen if it did not represent a function?

In your first post, briefly answer the question. Then return to the topic several times over the next few days to read your coursemates' posts. Reply to at least 2 of them, being sure to offer new insights, ask questions, and encourage further discussion.

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