
Module 3 Overview: Graphing Functions and Transformations


a car lot of animated vehciles with eyes, one green


We have all seen video games and animated movies.  In the 21st century, we have whole movies being produced using computer-generated graphics that look very real.  How do they get these objects to move?  The fact is that any movement of an object can be modeled using an algebraic function. These models are programmed into computers to help generate animation of objects. These models range from simple movement of an object horizontally or vertically to more complex movement such as jumping or spinning.

In this module we will study some simple models of transformation – models that allow movement horizontally or vertically, movements of reflection or flips, and movements of stretching and shrinking an object. We will look at these models algebraically and graphically using several of the function families we studied in Module 1.

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