Module 2: Constellations

images from a renaissance festival

 The Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum in Chicago, Illinois

Authentic Assessment iconThe exploration and study of the universe plays such an important role in human life that schools, cities, and organizations have created theaters just to. Part fun and part education, these planetariums seek to immerse attendees in presentations about constellations, and other astronomical bodies. Thousands of people attend planetariums each year to learn more about astronomy. For this assignment, you have two options. Please read through each option below to determine how to complete this assignment.

Option A: Visit a Planetarium

For this assignment option, you will locate a planetarium in your region for you to visit. Once you have attended the planetarium, complete the Planetarium Form. Make sure to print a copy of the Planetarium Form prior to attending the planetarium because you will need a signature from a planetarium employee.

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Once you have completed the Planetarium Form, please submit it to the dropbox.


Option B: Access a Virtual Planetarium

If you are unable to make a facility visit to a planetarium, you can still have a planetarium experience. For this assignment option, you will need to conduct internet research to find a virtual planetarium (there are many!) to visit. Once you have selected a virtual planetarium, complete the Virtual Planetarium Form.

Assignment icon
Once you have completed the Virtual Planetarium Form, please submit it to the dropbox.


Exam icon
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.