Module 5: Astronomical Tools

students looking at a laptopauthentic assessment iconDuring this course, you may or may not have professional telescope equipment available to you. Regardless, there are several virtual tools that allow you to view celestial objects. For this assignment, you will use the Using a Virtual Telescope Template and Stellarium Web, a web-based application to explore several celestial bodies. This interactive and exciting software allows you view images of the universe captured by telescopes throughout the world.




Set-Up Your Virtual Telescope

URL iconTo begin this assignment, visit the Stellarium Web website.  In the lower left corner of the screen, confirm that your current location is shown.

Task 1: Find a Star

In the Search field at the top of the screen, enter Betelgeuse. Click on Betelgeuse in the drop-down menu. A view of the star will appear below the Search field. Using the information panel for the star, provide responses to the following questions:

  1. What type of star is it (HINT: It is listed under the name of the star in the panel)?
  2. How close is Betelgeuse (in light-years)?
  3. Click on the constellation icon at the bottom of the screen. Which constellation is associated with the star Betelgeuse?

Task 2: Find a Planet

In the Search field at the top of the screen, enter Venus. Click on Venus (planet) in the drop-down menu. A view of the planet will appear below the Search field. Using the information panel for the planet, provide responses to the following questions:

  1. After whom is the planet named?
  2. How close is Venus (in AU)?
  3. What is the radius of Venus (in km)?

Task 3: Find a Galaxy

In the Search field at the top of the screen, enter Cigar Galaxy. Click on Cigar Galaxy in the drop-down menu. A view of the galaxy will appear below the Search field. Using the information panel for the galaxy, provide responses to the following questions:

  1. What is another name for the Cigar Galaxy?
  2. What is the magnitude of the Cigar Galaxy?
  3. In which constellation is the Cigar Galaxy located?

Tool Evaluation

One of the things that astronomers do is continually evaluate the tools that they use throughout their research. Provide responses to the questions below on your Using a Virtual Telescope Template:

  • What do you like most about Stellarium Web? Explain your answer.
  • What do you dislike most about Stellarium Web? Explain your answer.
  • Is there a tool more suitable for this type of assignment?

Since you will use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you use.

assignment icon
Once you have completed your Using a Virtual Telescope Template, please submit your work to the dropbox.


Exam Icon
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.