Throughout history, the goal of astronomy has always been to learn more about the universe. As the tools of the astronomers have increased in ability and technology, they have helped provide many answers. From optical telescopes that bring enhanced views of space to gamma telescopes that detect the invisible waves, these telescopes provide scientists with information that they would otherwise not be able to collect. Spectrographs help astronomers break down light emitted by stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies to discover their temperatures, densities, and compositions. From inside observatories and planetariums, people can study space through large telescopes or projections on large screens.
Technology has taken telescopes from the ground into space for a better vantage point from which to view and collect data about the universe. As humans continue to develop the methods by which they study space, answers to age-old questions become more readily available and new discoveries continue the quest for more knowledge about the sky and what it holds.
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