Module 2: Biochemistry

utensils and a plate with a peaAuthentic Assessment iconIf you conducted a quick search on the Internet for statistics on obesity in the United States, you would learn that obesity rates in this country are on the rise. Another Internet search on losing weight would provide you with pages and pages of diet advice imploring you to do things like “Cut Fats!”, “Don’t Eat Meat!”, “Only Eat Meat!”, and/or “Cut the Carbs!” Unfortunately, many fad diets are unhealthy and may cause health problems worse than being overweight.

In this module, you learned that there are several macromolecules that are essential to your health. You also learned that you can get some of these macromolecules from the foods you eat. Can you stay healthy if you stop eating meat or do not eat any carbohydrates?

Pretend you work for a digital health magazine, and that your editors have assigned you to write an article about a healthy diet. The article's audience is people who want to eat the right types and amounts of foods in order to stay healthy, and maintain or lose weight. The magazine article should be three to four paragraphs and should include the following information:

  • A name for the diet;
  • The macromolecules that human bodies need;
  • The elements and monomers of these important macromolecules;
  • Sources for these macromolecules (at least 3);
  • The importance of these macromolecules; and
  • The positive and/or negative impacts of following the diet you recommend.

Since you are writing a magazine article, you should include visual elements that complement your article. In addition, you should include at least one chart or graph. Before you begin, access the Healthy Diet Magazine Article Rubric to make sure you have included all of the needed items required for full credit. You will need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment, so please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you use.


You have learned quite a bit about how biochemistry impacts your health in this module and through this assignment. How will what you have learned affect your diet and nutrition? Why? In a digital document, compose four to five sentences responding to these questions.

Assignment icon
Once you have completed your article and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.


Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.