You now know quite a bit about cells, including that all organisms are made up of cells that come from other cells. These cells began as a single fertilized cell. But, all organisms have specialized cells that perform different jobs. In addition, all organisms display different traits that are passed on from generation to generation by deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. In this module, you will learn how multicellular organisms with specialized cells are formed. You will examine how cells divide, specialize into different types of cells, and reproduce.
Getting Started
Before you get started, find out what you already know about the parts of the cell involved in the division of a eukaryotic cell. In this non-graded interactivity, answer each question by typing the correct response from the Word Bank into the blank space provided. Then, click SUBMIT to check your responses. Click the player button to get started.
Key Vocabulary
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
anaphase | crossing over | meiosis |
autosome | cytokinesis | metaphase |
binary fission | daughter cells | mitosis |
cell cycle | diploid | prophase |
cell differentiation | gamete | stem cell |
centromere | haploid | synapsis |
chromatids | interphase | telophase |
chromosomes | karyotype | |
chromatin |