Course Icons

The Chemistry online course includes a variety of activities and assignments. Throughout this course, you may encounter the following icons that will help indicate a specific learning activity.

Web-Based or Mobile Application Icon Application
(Mobile or Web-Based)
Essay Everyday Connections Podcast Icon Podcast
Art or Illustration Icon Art/Illustration Exam Icon Exam Quiz Icon Problem Set
Assignment Icon Assignment Game Icon Game Quiz Icon Quiz
Authentic Assessment Icon Authentic
Getting Started Interactivity Icon Getting Started
Self-Check Icon Self-Check
Blog Icon Blog Glossary Icon Glossary

Scientific Investigation Icon

Scientific Investigation
Check for Understanding Icon Check for
Graphic Organizer Icon Graphic Ogranizer Self-Check Icon Simulation
Collaboration Icon Collaboration Graphing Icon Graphing Study Icon Study
Developmental Module Icon Developmental
Graphing Icon Historical Connections Survey Icon Survey
Digital Repository Icon Digital Repository Journal Icon Journal Think Icon Think
Discussion Icon Discussion List or Notes Icon Notes or List URL Icon URL
Email Icon Email Observation Icon Observation Video Icon Video
Essay Essay Podcast Icon Organic Chemistry Web Conference Icon Web Conference