The view of the atom has evolved greatly over the past one hundred years. Advancements in the study of light led to a modern atomic model. This modern model, or Bohr Model, was based on the spectra of light emitted by each element. In this module, you will investigate the modern atomic model and the role that electrons play in determining atomic behavior and reactivity. During this exploration, you will observe the correlation between atomic structure, behavior, and the elements' locations on the periodic table. Remember, the periodic table is not only used as a reference, but it is also used to help predict chemical behavior and provide a basis for comparing the reaction tendencies of various types of elements.
Getting Started
Take a few minutes to consider the following fact. The potassium in a banana is only one electron away from being an explosive metal. The banana would then react with the saliva in your mouth creating a painful explosion. Although electrons are extremely small subatomic particles, they have a very important function by helping to determine the characteristics of the atom.
Key Vocabulary
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
abbreviated electron configuration | electronegativity | photoelectric effect |
amplitude | energy | photon |
anion | frequency | principle energy levels |
anode | ground state | quantum |
atomic orbital | hertz | quantum mechanics |
atomic radius | Hund's Rule | quantum numbers |
Aufbau Principle | ion | refraction |
Bohr model | ionization energy | shielding effect |
cathode | joule | spectrum |
cation | mole | sub-levels |
Coulomb's Law | noble gases | transition metals |
crest | orbital diagram | trough |
effective nuclear charge | oxidation | valence electrons |
electron configuration | Pauli Exclusion Principle | wavelength |
electron spin | Periodic Law |