Module 1: What is Earth Science?

EarthWhy is the sky blue? How was the Earth made? Where did all the water in the ocean originiate? Are there other planets in the universe with life? How do hurricanes form? A good starting point to answer all of these questions (and more) is to ask: what is Earth science?

In this module, you learned that Earth science is one field of study that is a blend of four different branches: astronomy, geology, meteorology, and oceanography. It is a subject that offers you the opportunity to investigate the world around you, and to answer the multitude of questions that arise. Earth science addresses the Earth’s natural environment. By studying the four branches of Earth science, you will quickly become aware of their interconnectedness. Topics within astronomy will carry over into geology, which will be supported by concepts learned in meteorology, and then are reinforced in oceanography.

By utilizing the scientific method and common units of measurement, scientists across the globe can share ideas, research, and findings. In addition, these commonalities require scientists to adhere to a level of high-quality in their experiments. The scientific method is a multi-step set of guidelines that all scientists use when conducting scientific investigations. The International System of Units (SI), or metric system, is a system of measurements used by scientists all over the world.