Module 10: Resources and Virginia Geology

Water Usage Audit

Authentic Assessment IconHow much water does your household use each year? You use more water that you think. In order to perform a water usage audit, you will need to ask your parents for a recent bill water bill so that you can see how many gallons of water your household uses.

Most water and sanitation departments charge customers by calculating the water usage over a three-month period. Water usage is measured in CCFs, which stands for 100 cubic feet. One CCF is the equivalent of 748 gallons. If your water bill does not list usage in gallons, simply multiply the usage in CCFs by 748 to determine the number of gallons of water your household used. In this investigation, you will complete a water usage audit by estimating the amount of water your household uses based on your most current water bill.

This activity is available below or in a printable version.

Part I - Complete the Water Usage Audit Data Table

To begin this assignment, you will need to complete the Water Usage Audit Data Table below by analyzing your household water bill.

Water Usage Audit Data Table
Bill Date:  
Price Per CCF:  
CCF Usage:  
Total Gallons Usage:  
Total Bill Price:  






Part II - Data Analysis

Once you have completed your Water Usage Audit Data Table, complete the following questions.

  1. Based on the data from your Water Usage Audit Data Table, how much water could your household use in one year? Multiply the total number of gallons by four if your bill covers a three-month period, or multiply the total number of gallons by 12 if you receive a water bill each month. 

  2. Approximately how much money does your household spend each year for water and sanitation?

  3. What steps could you take to reduce the amount of water used in your household?

  4. Where are the sources of clean water in your community? Where does your water come from?

  5. Take a moment to think about your household water usage. Do you think your household uses more water during the summer or winter months? Explain your answer.

  6. What will happen to the water supply if a community overuses water during a period of drought? Explain your answer.


Write a brief reflection about your water usage audit. What did you learn?  What surprised you? What can your family easily do to save water? Will you do some of these things? Why or why not?

Assignment IconOnce you have finished the Water Usage Audit Data Table, question responses, and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.


Exam Icon
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.