Module 12: Oceanography

Assessment IconIn this module, you learned about Earth’s oceans and how they are interconnected with other Earth systems. Atmospheric wind causes waves and ocean currents. Temperature and salinity differences drive the deep ocean circulation. The alignment of Earth, Sun, and the Moon cause tidal changes on a daily basis. The life in the ocean supports life on land by providing food and other natural resources. There are many important issues affecting Earth's oceans that in turn affect you. There are several ways in which you can make a difference, even as an individual. Active citizens volunteer in an effort to contribute to the health and success of the places in which they live. A community's environment has a large influence on the people living there.

For this assignment, you will need to locate and contact an environmental or community organization with which you can volunteer. You should choose an organization that has an impact on a local body of water, waterway, or water source. There are a variety of ways that you can help a community organization, so be sure to ask the organization where they most need your help. As part of the assignment, you will volunteer some of your own time at your chosen organization and complete the Community Organization Volunteer Form. Make sure to print a copy of this form before you begin to volunteer with your chosen organization because you will need a signature from a supervisor to verify your volunteer activities.


Volunteering to help protect and clean a natural habitat is a rewarding experience. Keeping the environment free of pollution and waste ensures that they will be usable for future generations. After you complete your volunteer experience, reflect upon your personal experience volunteering in writing. While you are providing your response, think about the following questions:

  • Why did you choose this organization?
  • Was this a meaningful experience for you? Why or why not?
  • Describe ways that you could motivate other community members to volunteer to protect the ocean and its resources.

Assignment IconOnce you have completed your Volunteer Form and reflection, please submit your assignment to the dropbox.


Exam Icon
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.