Interview a Cartographer
You likely use a map on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Whether you are navigating to an unknown location, or checking the latest weather forecast, maps are critical to everyday life. Despite the availability and prevalence of maps, few stop to consider how the diverse varieties of maps available are created. People who create maps are cartographers. For this assignment, you will interview a real cartographer and conduct an informational interview to gain insight into the process of map-making. You may conduct your interview in person, via phone, or by web conference.
To effectively prepare for and conduct your interview, you should complete the following steps in order:
Do your research. Take time to review the terms and concepts associated with maps. Remember that you will contact a mapping professional. When you are in communication with this cartographer, using proper terms and having a basic understanding of maps will help you to ask relevant questions. Researching information will also help you understand the cartographer’s answers.
Identify potential candidates to interview. Research and create a short list of cartographers you could interview. Possible candidates can be found from personal contacts (maybe you have a relative, family friend, or acquaintance who is a cartographer), or from Internet searches.
Begin by reviewing these sites of cartographers to help you start your list of potential candidates.
Contact your Cartographer to request an interview. In order to arrange your interview, you will have to submit an official request. This can be done over the phone or by e-mail. When you request your interview, make sure to introduce yourself and explain the reason you are requesting the interview.
Develop a list of questions for your interview. The questions you choose to ask will determine the direction of the interview. When you compose your questions, take special care to consider the order in which you ask them. Remember, the goal of the assignment is to learn more about the process a cartographer goes through in making a map. Make sure to ask questions that investigate actions and questions that cartographers consider when creating a new map. Why do they make maps, and what do they have to do to produce a successful product? Your interview should consist of four to five questions.
Conduct your interview. You may choose to conduct your interview in person, via email, or over the phone. You have a specific order of questions to ask, but be flexible. A new question may come to mind during your interview, and that is perfectly acceptable. Make sure that you conduct yourself in a professional manner. If you are conducting the interview in person, make sure that you dress appropriately and maintain good eye contact and posture
Summarize the interview. Write-up a brief summary of the responses from your interview. You should also include any information you learned. The summary should be no longer than three paragraphs and should include your interview questions.
Before you begin, access the Cartographer Interview Rubric to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for instruction on citing any resources that you used.
Once you have completed your interview and summary, take the time to write a thank you letter to the professional who granted you an interview. In this thank you letter, explain the importance of your interview to your knowledge of mapping. Make sure to send a copy to the professional and save a copy for submission with your assignment.
Once you have completed the interview questions, interview with summary, and thank you letter, please submit your work to the dropbox.
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.