The Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in the late Cretaceous Period at the end of the Mesozoic Era. Although this creature lived on Earth 68 to 65 millions of years ago, scientists can determine a lot of information by studying its bones. Tyrannosaurus Rex was a carnivore and had a poor sense of smell. Beyond this information, scientists have also created lists of characteristics of behavior, appearance, and habits that the Tyrannosaurus exhibited when it roamed the surface of the Earth. How is this possible? If there were no humans living on the Earth with the dinosaurs, how can scientists draw conclusions and gain insight to their daily lives? The answer lies within the crust of the Earth. Layers and layers of rock preserve information about Earth’s history from the organisms that dominated the surface to the geologic events that shaped the Earth. Just by observing the position of rock beds, geologists can determine the approximate age of rocks. With more sophisticated laboratory techniques, scientists can determine the precise age of fossils found within those rocks.
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