Module 1: Economic Assessments
You would like to open your own business? Create a brochure about your business. Please include the following:
- Name of business
- Goods/Services offered
- Will the government play a role in your business? If so, how?
- Explain what opportunity costs you incurred when you started the business.
- What incentives you will offer to people to buy your products? Explain why you believe these will make people want to buy your goods rather than someone elses?
- Draw and label a supply and demand curve for at least one of your goods/services. Be sure to determine an equilibrium price and quantity. Additionally, explain what will happen if your demand curve shifts to the left or to the right. Please include an explanation of what happens and why the demand curves may shift.
When you have completed your brochure and included all of the information listed above, submit your assignment to the dropbox.
Here is a checklist for this project. Be sure to include all of the requried elements.
Brochure Checklist |
Points Possible |
Points Earned |
Provides name of business |
5 |
Explains goods and services offered |
5 |
Explains how government plays a role in the business |
15 |
Explains opportunity cost(s) incurred |
10 |
Explains incentives being offered |
10 |
Supply and demand curve is present and labeled |
15 |
Explains what happens if demand curves shifts to the left or right |
10 |
Spelling and grammar is correct |
10 |
Brochure is organized effectively with front cover, inside pages, and back cover |
10 |
Brochure layout is attractive and appealing using relevant graphics and/or pictures |
10 |
Totals |
100 |

Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.