Consider this question: what insurance will you need to protect you and your family from risk in fifteen years? In this assignment, you will use what you have learned in this module to construct your own personal insurance plan for the future. The plan should be realistic for the lifestyle you believe you will have in the near future. You will start by creating a timeline of events in your life from now through the next fifteen years of your life. For each year in your life, you will need to indicate any major changes to your lifestyle that might affect your insurance needs.
Ask youself each of the following questions for each of the fifteen years, as you must choose at least five of the scenarios.
Using your responses, create a fifteen year timeline, beginning now, that details when the above events will happen in your life. Once you have completed the timeline, determine when and why you will need at least four different types of insurance (health, auto, disability, life, floater, or professional liability), the amount of coverage needed, and how much each type of insurance will cost monthly or yearly. What type(s) of insurance will you NOT need? At the bottom of your timeline, please explain why you will not need this insurance(s).
Before you begin, please review the Personal Insurance Plan Rubric so that you understand how your assignment will be graded. You may add any needed illustrations or pictures to your timeline and, if you use any resources outside of this course, please be sure to properly cite those resources with an accompanying bibliography. Information on how to cite resources can be found in the Developmental Module. You can create your timeline using the following methods:
Once you have completed your timeline and insurance plan, submit your assignment to the dropbox.
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.