Imagine that you are a member of Congress and are helping the Office of Management and Budget revise next year's federal budget. The economy is in a recession, unemployment is up and production is down. You are very worried about the increasing national debt. The following fiscal policies have been proposed to help reduce the national debt by half:
Which of these would you support and why or why not? Explain why it would be difficult for the government to solve all of the nation's economic problems through fiscal policy. Choose a minimum of four points listed above to explain. Please explain your ideas to accomplish the goal of reducing the national debt by half. Be specific and use examples. For example, if you select reducing personal income taxes, explain by how much and why using research. You can use the Internet and any other resources approved by your instructor to give examples and validate your explainations and suggestions. After you have performed your research, you may present your findings in a presentation or a paper.
When you have completed your assessment and included all of the information listed above, submit your assignment to the dropbox.
Here is a checklist for this project. Be sure to include all of the required elements.
Criteria |
Points Possible |
Points Earned |
Chose a minimum of four points to explain |
20 |
Explained all four points adequately |
20 |
Used sufficient research for explanations and suggestions | 20 |
Used examples from research to validate ideas | 20 |
Prepared presentation or paper with above information | 10 |
Used correct spelling and grammar in paper or presentation | 10 |
Totals |
100 |
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.