Module 3: Planning Your Career

My Career Choices

iconNow is the perfect time for you to begin thinking about your future and the type of career you would like to have. This assessment has you use the suggested websites to conduct research on three careers that are of interest to you, determine your Holland Code to guide the selection of those careers, and create a slide show. Be sure to use the rubric and the instructions provided to ensure that you include all of the required information in your presentation. Please view the rubric before you begin so that you understand how your assignment will be graded. Submit your completed presentation to the dropbox.

Part I- Career Research

1. Go to Career Zone California to find your Holland Code. Read a description of the six interest areas. Then select the three that best describe your interests. Click on View Results to get your three-letter Holland Code.

2. Go to the University of Missouri's Career Center

  • Click Resources at the top of the page. Click the Majors & Careers icon at the top left of the screen. Under “Majors & Careers” click on Skills/Interests. In the center of the screen, click Online Resources. Under “Interactive Assessments,” click Play Now next to The Career Interests Game.
  • Click on the word for your highest category in your Holland Code. A colored box will appear to the right with a short description. Click Click Here for more information about possible career paths. Click Career Possibilities (Holland Code). Read the list of career choices that are displayed.
  • Repeat with your second and third highest Holland Code categories.

3. Select three careers that interest you the most and list them in the Career Worksheet.

4. For each of your career choices, click on its career title link. This will take you to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ website for the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Use the information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics site for each of your career selections to answer the following questions:

  • Career-What is the name of the career?
  • Training and Education Needed - What type of degree do you need to have? How many years of postsecondary education do you need? Do you receive on the job training?
  • Job Tasks- What are the five major tasks that you are expected to do?
  • Earnings- What is the average yearly wage? Or what is the average pay per hour?
  • Job Outlook-What is the expected percentage of job growth? What types of positions in that profession will be available in the future? How many jobs are available now? How many jobs are expected to be available in 2018?


Prepare a PowerPoint presentation entitled “My Career Choices” using the information gathered from your career research. The following are required slides in your presentation:

Slide 1 -Title slide including the title “My Career Choices,” your name and Holland Code
Slide 2 -List of three careers in order of preference
Slide 3 -Career #1 name and training/education
Slide 4 -Five major job tasks
Slide 5 -Earnings and job outlook
Slide 6 -Why that career would be the right career for you
Slide 7 -Career #2 name and training/education
Slide 8 -Five major job tasks
Slide 9 -Earnings and job outlook
Slide 10- Why that career would be the right career for you
Slide 11 -Career #3 and training/education
Slide 12 -Five major job tasks
Slide 13 -Earnings and job outlook
Slide 14 -Why that career would be the right career for you
Slide 15- Conclusion- What did you learn about yourself while researching possible career choices?


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.