Module 3: Planning Your Career

career imageAfter completing this module, you are much more prepared to enter the world of work. You know how to determine which careers fit your personality and abilities. You did some research on those careers in order to determine how much training you need, the outlook of those careers, and how much you can expect to be paid in those particular careers. Hopefully, you learned something about yourself in the process. You learned about preparing for the workforce with a cover letter and a resume and by preparing for an interview. You also learned earned and unearned income and how to calculate your paycheck. All of these topics will help you in the next module as you explore the world of taxes.

Extend Your Learning

Recall the career you wanted to know more about during the module's Pre-Assessment. Now that you have learned important aspects of choosing your career, conduct Internet research to fill in the L column of your KWL chart. Specifically, focus on finding the following facts:

  • What type of education is needed?
  • What is the average salary?
  • What types of skills are required?
  • What is the demand for employees in this field?
  • How can you gain experience in this field starting now?

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