Module 10: Understanding Self

Authentic Assessment IconThroughout this course, you have been working towards developing a digital portfolio. The works submitted in this finalized portfolio will be determined by you. Your digital portfolio needs to include works that highlight all of your writing skills. It should also show a range of different writing abilities.

Organizing Your Digital Portfolio

You will complete and finalize all of the necessary components of your digital portfolio in this cumulative assignment. In this interactivity, use the previous and next buttons to learn how to organize your digital portfolio so that it is ready for submission. Click the player button to get started.

View a printable version of this interactivity. Download the printable version of the sample letters used in the interactivity above.


Make sure your portfolio is exactly the way you want it by accessing the Digital Portfolio Checklist to review the expectations for this assignment.


Once you have completed your Digital Portfolio, please submit your work to the dropbox.