Can you think of any organisms that go through change? Perhaps the best example is the caterpillar. In order to mate and find a suitable climate, the caterpillar must be reborn as a butterfly. Once the caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis, it is now able to repopulate and survive.
The human journey to self-discovery is a journey everyone must ultimately take. Like the caterpillar and butterfly, sometimes people experience a rebirth or period of change. This path to self-discovery is a journey that usually begins with one experiencing change, or wanting a new beginning. This journey to self-discovery through change and rebirth is universal and is reflected in literature from various cultures as well as time periods.
This module focuses on both fictional and nonfictional literary works. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a fictional tale. In this story, Gilamesh experiences a life-changing mental, as well as physical journey, that reveals his true self. You will also read nonfiction works of literature that document change and rebirth after flooding events in the United States.
Getting Started
What do change and rebirth mean to you? Have you ever had to change your ways? Have you or anyone in your family been “reborn?" Think about what it means to change and be reborn. What do you think causes individuals to go through a change and rebirth process? Is going through a change and rebirth process beneficial? If you had to go through change and rebirth, what characteristics about yourself would you change? What characteristics would you keep the same?
Key Vocabulary
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
apocalypse | fiction | nonfiction |
apostrophe | genesis | oracular |
archetype | geology | personification |
assuage | harlot | persuasive nonfiction |
brazen | hoariness | Phocis |
cataclysm | immortality | piety |
catastrophic | impiety | rapine |
Cephissus | literary analysis | rectitude |
cyclops | Lycaeus | sediment |
Cyllene | Maenalus | simile |
degenerate | metamorphosis | suppliant |
deluge | metaphor | Themis |
descriptive nonfiction | metaphysical | thronged |
Erinyes | Molissians | universal |
exhortation | mollified | Utopian |
expository nonfiction | mortal | wield |
extirpate | narrative nonfiction |