Module 2: Self-Discovery Through Change and Rebirth

A butterfly

When embarking on a journey, you will have moments of triumph and success; however, you must also brace yourself for moments of defeat and disappointment.  The important thing is what you do after you have experienced this setback. Reflecting and taking the time to put things into perspective allows you to experience change for the better.  Change and going through a rebirth process may be difficult, but it has its refreshing element because of what you have learned.  You are no longer who you used to be because you have evolved. 

Throughout this module you have investigated literary works where change and rebirth were an underlying theme. Gilgamesh, the hero, went on an epic journey after the death of his companion. This journey did not grant Gilgamesh everlasting life, but he was reborn. The nonfiction flood stories showed you that an area can be devastated, and once the waters retreat a rebuilding process takes place. When change or a metamorphosis occurs in your life, you may reflect again on these stories.