Module 3: Self-Discovery Through Moments of Weakness

Road SignHow did Greek theater begin? What is tragedy? What is a tragic hero? Is our fate predetermined? How do you analyze theme in a literary work? These are the questions you focused on while investigating the tragedy of Oedipus the King/Oedipus Rex.

In this module, you learned about irony, theme, and the hero’s tragic flaw by studying Oedipus the King/Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles. In the tragedy, the main character Oedipus, has a predetermined fate. From birth it is predetermined that Oedipus will marry his mother and kill his father. No matter what choices Oedipus makes, nothing will change this path. Oedipus’ hubris, his arrogance and pride cause him to defy the gods as he attempts to change his fate. In the end, as Oedipus discovers his origins, he also discovers that he has fulfilled the prophecy.

The human experience encompasses taking on a journey that is filled with obstacles as well as accomplishments.  It is within this journey that you discover who you are.  You realize your strengths as well as your weaknesses.  A part of that discovery involves understanding your origins and your family history.  Knowing where you come from provides insight and aids in determining your own path.


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