Booker T. Washington once said, “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” Obstacles are inevitable. They are hindrances; however, they are not created to stop progress permanently unless you make that decision. Obstacles are life lessons that build character, and without obstacles you will never truly cherish success.
As you progress through this module, you will encounter individuals who are faced with obstacles. Reading and analyzing the works of authors who have overcome hurdles will give you an appreciation for some of the hardships you may face on your own journey. At the time, these obstacles may have been stumbling blocks, but it is in these obstacles that you gain insight on who you really are.
Getting Started
Before you begin this module, get acquainted with some of the vocabulary associated with obstacles. In this non-graded interactivity, see if you can identify the vocabulary words by their definitions. Once you have identified each definition, enter the appropriate word into the blank space provided and click SUBMIT. Click the player button to get started.
Key Vocabulary
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
adept | hyperbole | procession |
aspiration | idiom | provincial |
assimilation | imagery | role |
assuage | incomprehensible | round character |
baffled | intensity | sedately |
catalyst | internment camps | self-sufficiency |
character | indirect characterization | simile |
circuit | inheritance | stanza |
conspicuous | insular | static character |
degrade | mutilate | supercilious |
dingy | metaphor | tepid |
direct characterization | oppress | thesis statement |
discordant | peevishness | third-person omniscient point of view |
dynamic character | perception | third-person point of view |
first-person point of view | personification | unwieldy |
flat character | point of view | valid |
flourishing | precarious |