Module 6: Identifying One's Strengths and Weaknesses

Ibo Masquarde
A Final Look at an Ibo Masquerade

While Okonkwo certainly may not seem to be the archetypal tragic hero based on outward apperances, he does fit all of the parameters set down in literature: he is a man of nobility, possesses a tragic flaw, makes an error in judgment, experiences a downfall, and ultimately suffers to the end. Above and beyond the archetype of the tragic hero, Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart offers you a peek into a world you might not otherwise ever encounter. You learned about the complexities of the Ibo language, rituals and traditions, religion, and legal system. You also gained a deeper understanding of the British colonization of the Ibo in Nigeria. Finally, you made intertextual connections between two pieces of literature that are different yet share common themes.