Module 7: Survival

Broken Glasses with a FlyImagine living in a world or society where there are no adults, no rules, and no authority figures.  What would life be like?  Would it be complete chaos?  Who would decide what was right and what was wrong?  Who would enforce those decisions?

An issue that has been debated greatly in society is the idea of nature versus nurture.  In other words, why do people end up with certain personalities and behavior attributes?  Is violent behavior something people learn or something with which they are born? 

During your study of William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies, you will explore some of these issues as you read about a group of young boys who end up stranded on a deserted island.  You will uncover some basic questions about human behavior that you might not have previously considered.

Getting Started

Log IconImagine suddenly living in a society with no rules. Would you be able to survive with no laws? What rules are unnecessary? What rules should be kept?  Create a two-column chart to address some of the rules that affect you on a daily basis.  On the left side of the chart, list those rules that you think are unnecessary and why, and on the right side of the chart, list those rules that you think should be kept and why.  Try to write a minimum of  three rules in each column.


Key Vocabulary

Glossary Icon
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.

allusion enmity multitudinous
archetype essayed mutinously
antagonism exposition myopia
antiphonal festooned obscure
assent foreshadowing officious
assimilation furrowing pall
baffled furtive parody
bastion gesticulate pax
blatant grimaced pinnacle
brandishing impalpable preposterous
cause impenetrable protruded
cessation impervious purged
contemptuously inarticulate recrimination
convulsion incantation situation irony
cordon incompetence stark
covert incredulous susurration
creepers indignant symbolism
crepitation indirect characterization tacitly
cynicism inscrutable theme
declivities interminable tremulously
demure jeeringly truculently
derision lament tumult
diddle leeward typhoon
diffidently leviathan ululation
direct characterization ludicrous verbal irony
discursive malevolent vicissitude
dramatic irony martyred virtuous
ebullience menace windward
effect mirage  
empathy mortification