Module 8: Tools for Survival

mountain climber using tools and rope

Being prepared as you move through your high school program plays an essential role in surviving these critical years. When you are prepared, not only are you able to tackle any obstacle or challenge placed before you but you can also thrive and excel. This module gives you the opportunity to explore what is needed in order to survive high school and beyond. It focuses on skills, strategies, resources, and the mindset needed to be successful.

Getting Started

Getting Started IconIn order to learn about tools for survival and how to succeed in high school, you need to evaluate how you are doing and identify any barriers that may hinder your success. You can start that process now by thinking about anything that may be hindering your progress.

journal iconIn your journal, create a chart of academic and personal obstacles that have hindered your success thus far. You will revisit and complete this chart as you find solutions to these obstacles. Use the following example as a guide to set up your chart:

1. I cannot keep up with deadlines. 1. Keep a personal calendar in my phone as well as in my agenda and mark deadlines.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.

Assignment iconOnce you have completed your journal entry, please save it with the file name of mod8_gettingstarted and submit it to the dropbox.


Key Vocabulary

Glossary Icon
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.


affirmation follow-up letter positivity
application interview proactive
career objective invincible resilient
cover letter laborious résumé
empower negativity work permit