Module 9: Defining Your Path

You have completed many steps to get through this process, and you will probably breathe a huge sigh of relief once it has been submitted for a grade. Make sure your paper is exactly the way you want it by accessing the Career Research Paper Rubric to review the expectations for this assignment.
In a separate document, think about the entire research process and respond to the following questions:
- Did you like the topic?
- What did you struggle with as you completed your research?
- What part of the research process was easiest for you?
- Did you learn anything new about using citations? Is there anything you still need to learn?
- Did you learn anything new about using MLA or APA format? Is there anything you still need to learn?
- What part of the writing process gave you the most trouble?
- What part of the writing process was the easiest for you?
- What did you think about peer revising with a classmate? Was it more of a help or a hindrance?
- What did you like or dislike about the editing process?
- If you had to do this assignment again, what would you do the same and why?
- If you had to do this assignment again, what would you do differently and why?
- Any other thoughts you want to share about writing this research paper?
Once you have completed your Career Research Paper and Reflection, please submit both the Paper and Reflection to the dropbox.
assignment might be a writing sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.

Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.