Module 9: Defining Your Path

When you think about the future, what do you see yourself doing?  How much thought have you put into what your future job might entail?  Have you thought about salary, room for advancement, the education you will need, or any other important factors to consider when choosing a possible career?

Career People

In this module you will be creating a formal research paper on a career of your choice.  You will think about some of the different things that interest you or subjects at which you excel, and you will think about what kind of job would fit your interests and skills.  You will review how to write a formal research paper using parenthetical citations, MLA formatting, and a Works Cited page.  You will also go through the entire writing process, including peer revising with another student in your course. 

Getting Started

Getting Starated iconEarlier in this course, you took an interests assessment which helped you identify your interests. Now it is time to assess your skills. By assessing both your skills and interests, you will be able to narrow down careers that are best suited for you. Taking these assessments will also help you choose a topic for your career research paper.

Survey IconVisit the Virginia Education Wizard and take the Skills Assessment. Once you finish, the survey will automatically provide suggested career clusters that may interest you. Select those careers to find more information.


Key Vocabulary

Glossary Icon
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.

APA database revising
audience edit thesis statement
bias hook URL
bridge MLA Works Cited
citations paraphrasing World Wide Web
copyright plagiarism  
credibility purpose