If you have a passion for reading, you may want to consider a career in writing book reviews. Published in newspapers, magazines, blogs, online bookstores, and bestseller lists for the general public, book reviews provide a summary and general critique of the work. They are important because of their potential influence on whether a given reader will decide to read or not to read the reviewed book.
Take a moment to search in print media or online for examples of book reviews to give you an idea of how professional book reviews are written. Try to find two positive or favorable reviews and two book reviews that do not recommend their respective books.
After you have explored examples of book reviews, put yourself in the professional writer's chair and compose your own book review of the book you have read in this module: either Into the Wild or The Color of Water. Your book review should provide a brief summary of the contents of the book without giving away the ending. However, rather than just listing the main plot points, you will need to describe what the book is about in one or two sentences and engage in a discussion with the reader about the elements of the book, especially the book's writing. What is the author's writing style like? How does the author treat the different characters, and what is your take on those characters? What was your overall reaction?
Your book review should also include your opinion of the strengths and weaknesses of the book. While you should include at least one strength and one weakness, the strengths and weaknesses do not have to be balanced. In other words, if you loved the book you selected to read, your book review can include many more strengths than weaknesses. Whether or not you are describing strengths or weaknesses, you should include specific examples and brief quotes where appropriate in order to support your opinions. Keep in mind that while you are discussing strengths and weaknesses, you should avoid discussing what the author should have done.
Your completed book review should be at least five hundred words. Like all professional writing pieces, your book review should have an introductory paragraph that introduces the book and author as well as a strong closing paragraph that summarizes your views or leaves a lasting impression of your critique. Because opinion book reviews are written for the general public, you are welcome to use a casual yet appropriate tone and writing style. Before you begin, review the Book Review Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
After you have completed the assignment, think about the following questions and write your responses to them. Submit your work to the dropbox when you have completed your reflection to share your personal goals as they relate to writing persuasively.
Once you have completed your book review and reflection, please submit them to the dropbox.
Once you have completed the module, please complete the module test.