Think about the speeches that you read or watched in this module. What do you think the strengths of those speeches are? Also, think about the forms of rhetoric you studied. How can you use those ideas to write a persuasive speech? How will using ethos, logos, and pathos help you? What is your ethos?
For this assessment, you will write a two-minute persuasive speech on an issue that is important to you. The issue may be one of international, national, regional, or local concern. In order to successfully complete this assignment, you will choose a topic relevant to your life, do some research to find evidence to back your argument, choose a venue and an audience for your speech, and compose a well-written, grammatically correct speech.
Download the Persuasive Speech Directions and Rubric, and review the detailed directions for this assignment and the rubric to understand how your work will be graded. Record your speech via video or audio. Make sure you refer to the Developmental Module for guidelines on how to create and submit video and audio files.
Have fun writing this! Let yourself and your imaginary audience be moved by this speech!
After you have completed the assignment, think about the following questions, and write your response to them. Submit this to the dropbox when you have completed your reflection.
Once you have completed your speech with Works Cited page and reflection, submit all files to the dropbox. If you choose to record your speech, you still must submit the typed copy of your speech and Works Cited page as well as the video or audio file and reflection to the dropbox.
This assignment might be a work sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.
Once you have completed the module, please complete the module test.