You have seen that the literature of this time period finally broke the standard, changed form to fit this new country, and created works of literature that have become international classics. The power of the mind and the American Dream was reflected in almost every piece from this era. Though a civil war brought this time period to a close, many of these authors still influence literature today. It was this time period when American authors became a force of creativity. Romantic and Transcendentalist authors spoke out for suffrage and freedom while also portraying the darkness that only the human mind can reflect. As you saw in this module, the originality and diversity of literature from this era can still be seen in contemporary pieces. Transcendentalist and Romantic ideals have never fully melted away; they have simply been reformed and reborn with successive generations. This outlook has made American literature prominent on the world stage.
You have also seen how simple usage errors can weaken your own writing. Sometimes in informal American English, you use words incorrectly. Although this is fine in some settings, recognizing the correct forms is imperative to succeeding as an academic reader and writer.
You have also seen that breaking down a piece of literature, whether poetry or prose, can be effectively done with a few steps and some practice. Literature can teach you a great deal about the world. Through analyzing works, you can increase your understanding of universal concepts, open your mind, and improve your academic comprehension. True literacy is imperative in today's fast-paced electronic world, and no matter what profession you choose, you will need to be able to recognize and analyze literary concepts.