Throughout this module, you explored a Modernist novel whose characters struggle through the Great Depression era in pursuit of the American Dream. As you have seen, each individual's dream of success and happiness is unique. Recall the protagonist and characters that you met in either Their Eyes Were Watching God or Of Mice and Men and reflect on each of their dreams and aspirations. Now think about your own dreams. What is your personal definition of the American Dream? How is it similar to or different from the American Dream of your novel's characters?
In this final assignment of the module, you will have the chance to not only demonstrate and appreciate what the American Dream means to your novel's protagonist but also share what the American Dream means to you. Imagine that the movie director Steven Spielberg is making a film about the theme of struggling to achieve one's dream. The director has decided to retell the story of an American who fights for his or her dream during the Great Depression, but to connect with modern audiences, he wants to parallel the story with a contemporary take on the American dream. His plan is to switch back and forth between scenes of the Great Depression and today, and he has hired you as part of his creative team to provide inspiration for the modern American Dream.
After reflecting on the dreams and struggles of the protagonist from your selected Modernist novel, consider your own version of the American Dream and the obstacles that you will have to overcome to achieve success. Then, consolidate what you know into a movie trailer that will be presented to the movie producers and, ultimately, movie audiences across the nation.
You have free reign in making your movie trailer as unique and creative as you can. You can include still images of the movie's characters or live action scenes (acted out and videotaped by you or friends/family members). You can have a voiceover to summarize the basic plot of the movie, or you can flash text on the screen about the plot or imaginary reviews from acclaimed movie critics. Maybe you can include imaginary Academy Award nominations for Best Picture or Best Director or mention that it is inspired by a true story (yours!). It is also a good idea to include some kind of music in the trailer either to highlight the emotions of key scenes or as a background accompaniment. If you need ideas or inspiration, think about movie trailers that you have seen that are effective in hooking interest in the movie.
Regardless of the artistic style of your movie trailer, it must include both audio and visual elements and should run at least two minutes but no more than two and a half minutes. Your movie trailer should also mention both your character(s) from the novel that you read as well as yourself. Remember to choose a title for the movie and select an actor or actress to play the role of the novel's protagonist. You can either play yourself in a cameo role, or you can choose an actor or actress to play your part. So that movie viewers have an idea of what the movie's plot is going to be about, be sure to allude to the goals of the movie's main characters and the conflicts or obstacles that stand in their way.
Your range of tools to create your movie trailer includes presentation software like Prezi, Keynote, or PowerPoint. Research these tools and pick the one that matches your vision. Keep in mind that your move trailer should play automatically from beginning to end. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing resources. Before you begin, review The American Dream Movie Trailer Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
After you have completed the assignment, think about the following questions and write your responses to them. Submit your work to the dropbox when you have completed your reflection.
Once you have completed your movie trailer and reflection, please submit them with the Works Cited document, if applicable, to the dropbox.
This assignment might be a work sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.
Once you have completed the module, please complete the module test.