Module 2: Literature and Language Throughout History

Chepstow Castle in Monmouthshire, Wales

Before you begin your journey into British literature, it is important to understand historical events that have impacted the literature as well as the transformation of the English language over time. Throughout this course, you will find that British literature and Britain's greatest authors were directly influenced by the historic events, social trends, and artistic movements that occurred during their time. The British have influenced the lives and literature of many peoples worldwide. In this module, you will explore important historical events in British history. In addition, you will examine the history of the English language as it relates to the invasion of Britannia (Britain) by the three Germanic tribes and the development and characteristics of Old, Middle, and Modern English. While these concepts may sound like they exist solely in the past, they will help you gain an appreciation of British literature and understand why the past is very much relevant to the present.

Getting Started

British Literary Periods Playergetting started iconHistorical events have largely shaped the time periods associated with British literature, including the genres, authors, and language. In order to understand and appreciate British literature, you must be able to analyze its historical framework. Before you begin this module, see what you already know about the development of British literature in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.


Key Vocabulary

glossary icon
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary

Age of Enlightenment Industrial Revolution prewriting
Angles journalism Renaissance Period
Anglo-Saxon Period Jutes Restoration Period
Celtic languages Medieval Period Romantic Period
Charles II Modern Period Saxons
feudalism Neo-Classical Period Victorian Period
Great Vowel Shift Post-Modern Period William of Normandy