Module 3: Exploring Good, Evil, and Noble Sacrifice

The Tower of London, a medieval fortress

Your study of British literature begins in a time of conflict, violence, and change. During the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periods, Britain grew from a scattered collection of Celtic tribes into a major European leader united under a monarchy. In this module, you will explore the literature and culture of these two time periods. Notable works, like Beowulf and The Canterbury Tales, reflect the associated changes and upheaval of the times. In addition, the feudal system and the rise of knights influenced the creation of romance as a genre.

In addition, you will venture deeper into the writing process by learning about types of evidence used in research papers. This includes using primary and secondary sources for support in your writing projects. This important step in the writing process will help provide you with another brick in the foundation of your research paper.

Getting Started

Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Card Stack playerGetting Started iconHow much do you already know about the events, people, and literature of the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periods? In this non-graded game, read each question and drag and drop the correct card to the blank provided. Good luck! Click the player button to get started.


Key Vocabulary

glossary icon
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary

alliteration chivalry kenning
allusion definition legend
analogy direct quotation paganism
anecdote epic paraphrase
animism epic hero pilgrimage
archetype example romance
Black Death expert testimony scop
caesura feudalism statistics
characterization frame story summary