Throughout the course of this module, you have been gathering research and planning a research paper. You will draft an essay on the topic you selected earlier in the module and on which you completed research and an outline. You may need to conduct additional research to complete the assignment. Remember to use the best practices taught in this module when evaluating websites for reliability, recording source information, and taking notes.
Your essay needs to answer the original research question posed earlier in the module (see below) and include MLA Style formatting and citations. As you gather information from more sources, remember to include them on your Works Cited page, which should be the last page of your document. Essays need to have a minimum of five paragraphs (introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion), in-text citations, and a Works Cited page. Plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment.
Before you begin the assignment, refer to the Essay Rubric below to help you complete your narrative and to help you understand how your work will be graded. It also may be helpful to review the topics in this module before writing your paper.
This module presented the best practices and strategies for completing research on the Internet. These skills will benefit you not just in this course, but in the remainder of your academic career. How do you foresee using these skills in your life outside of school? Can you think of an instance when you may need these skills in a job or a career?
Once you have completed your research paper, Works Cited, and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.