Module 6: Writing a Research Paper

students in a classroomThroughout this course, you have already written several different types of essays and papers. You even have some experience with conducting research and citing resources MLA style. All of that preparation has led to this module. Guided by the content and assignments in this module, you will create a research paper based around a person who has made a positive impact. Each topic will take you on an in-depth journey through the different steps of the writing process and how they relate when writing a research paper. At the end of the module, you will have the opportunity to publish your work by turning your individual research papers into a literary journal with your peers.

Getting Started

Discussion iconBefore you begin a module that is ALL about writing, take a few moments to reflect on the writing that you have done in this course so far. You have written some longer papers and essays. If you were asked by another student to give your top three pieces of advice when writing a paper, what would you say?

Post your response to this question in the discussions area. Then, return to the topic several times over the next few days to read your coursemates" posts. Reply to at least two of them, making sure to ask questions and encourage further conversation.


Key Vocabulary

Glossary icon
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.

bridge hook peer edit topic outline
clincher informal outline prewriting topic sentence
clustering introduction publishing transition
conclusion KWL revising warrant
editing listing sentence outline  
freewriting outline thesis statement