Module 2: Enchanté!

row of studnets smiling and typing on computers

authentic assessment iconImagine you are setting up a profile on a new social networking site. You want to make "friend" requests so you can communicate with people around the world, including other teenagers who speak French. Using the various language skills you have learned about in this module, create a profile introduction for yourself. Include your name, age, at least three activities or things you like, and one that you dislike. Then, compose a message you could send out to a new friend on the social networking site. Ask this person to provide you with the same information.

You can design your own social networking profile page or use the Social Networking Template to complete this authentic assessment. Before you begin, access the Social Networking Checklist to make sure you include all items required for full credit.


assignment iconOnce you have completed your social networking profile and message, please submit your work to the dropbox.