Module 2: Enchanté!

Learning a new language is one of the most exciting skills you will ever undertake. It will expand your mind and thought processes like a rubber band that has been stretched and that can never return to its original size. In this module, you will learn to communicate your name and how you are feeling today. You will also learn the two basic building blocks of French: identifying nouns by gender and conjugating verbs. Possessing these two skills will allow you to communicate hundreds of thoughts and ideas. “Parlez-vous français? Oui, Je parle français bien, et vous?” Allons-y!!! (Let’s go!).

The skills in the first two topics of this module will enable you to make polite conversation with someone new, and allow you to introduce a friend to someone else. Then, you will expand your skills by learning about gender and verb conjugation. The final topic in this module will take you to Paris, which is also known as La Ville Lumière, or "The City of Light," and acquaint you with some of its most famous and most beautiful places.

Getting Started

getting started iconCreate a three-frame comic strip of two people meeting for the first time. Your comic strip should include speech bubbles written in English, and should be simple and polite. Save your comic strip and see if you can translate the speech bubbles into French as the module progresses.


Key Vocabulary

glossary icon
To view definitons for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.


agreement familiar gender
conjugation formal