Module 4: En famille

Large Family on a Couch
The family’s influence on each of its members is immense. Often, the type of person we become is largely due to the strong and loving guidance of our relatives. Although our relationships with our family members may change and grow over time, our families will always be a part of us. Our personalities and views are so strongly molded by our relationships with our families that this becomes a large part of who we are as individuals. Talking about our families is a common way to develop bonds with other people.

In this module, you will learn to talk about your family and inquire about the family of someone else. The skills you learn in this module will build upon the French you have learned in previous modules. You will learn adjectives of physical attributes, character traits, and possession, which you will be able to use to augment your reading, writing, and speaking abilities.

In addition, you will discover bilingual Canada and learn about its culture and history. You will also become quite knowledgeable about Francophone Québec Province which is home of the winter extravaganza known as Carnaval de Québec!

Getting Started

Think AboutWhat does family mean to you? Do you feel that you have been influenced by your family members? How? As you think about these questions, also consider how you influence others in your family. What can you do to enhance the lives of your relatives? Finally, ponder what you would like to change and what you would like to keep the same about your family in the future.


Key Vocabulary

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To view definitons for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.

à la française
possessive adjective
vrai amis