Module 5: Au restaurant

Édouard Manet, Un Bar aux Folies-Bergère
Édouard Manet, Un Bar aux Folies-Bergère

Bravo! You are now familiar with the words and phrases commonly used when visiting a restaurant or café in a francophone country. You learned how to identify different menu items, how to place an order, how to ask for the check, and how to talk about what you are eating or drinking. Additionally, you were introduced to verbs that enable you to talk about "learning," "understanding," and "surprising."

You learned about some of the differences between French and American culture, such as traditional breakfast foods and the style of service received in restaurants. You also examined some different aspects of Belgian culture, such as popular foods, the Belgian flag, the national anthem, and the country's foreign policy.


Remember to add new words to your French Vocabulary Organization System that you previously set up in this course.