Module 6: On y va?
One fun part about speaking French is talking about where you go and what you are going to do. In addition, you need to know how to name the places you have visited and understand where they are located on a map.
Where you do like to go? In this module, you will discover how to discuss answers to this question using the French language. Specifically, you will learn how to name buildings and common places that teenagers go. Furthermore, you will conjugate the verb to go. Then, you will take grammar one step further, and figure out ways to use the preposition to after the verb to go, so that you can discuss the places you are going. As the module continues, you will figure out how to use de, and definite articles, as well as speak about the near future in the affirmative and negative. Finally, you will have the opportunity to explore Switzerland.
Getting Started
A map is one of the most helpful tools to reference when talking about various locations. Find an example of what your neighborhood or city looks like on a map. Then, create your own version of this map, and label all of the places important to you. This may include your school, grocery store, house, library, or park, just to name a few locations. Although you do not have to draw your map to scale, it should be accurate. Since you do not yet know all of the French words necessary to label your map, label it in English. Then, as you delve more deeply into the module, you can fill in the French.
Key Vocabulary
To view definitions for those key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
aller en ville | equilateral | Où vont-ils? |
allons-y | infinitive | preposition |
au futur! | la Suisse | psychiatrist |
bonne chance | les modes de transport | psychologist |
canton | les phrases | psychotherapy |
confederation | neutrality | temperate |
contraction | On y va! | un endroit |