Module 7: Bon Appétit

Purchasing, preparing, and consuming food is an integral part of the francophone culture. Dining is a leisurely experience. It is also an experience that contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Every day, people shop for food at smaller specialty shops because the foods are fresher and have fewer preservatives and additives. Americans often sacrifice healthy options for speed and convenience. In this module, you will discover how to shop for food the francophone way. Moreover, by using the verb vouloir (to want), and the partitive articles one or some, you will learn how to offer, accept, and refuse food when dining with others. Enjoy this module, because dining in francophone cultures is a fabulous and calming experience.

Getting Started

log iconClose your eyes and imagine that you are sitting at the top of the Eiffel Tower. It is noon, and the wind is blowing your hair gently as the waiter approaches your petite table. What gastronomic French wonder will you order for lunch? Remember, lunch is the largest meal of the day and is served in several courses. Bon appetit, mon ami!


Key Vocabulary

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To view definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.


non-perishable partitive protectorate