Conditional and Biconditional Statements

Conditional and Biconditional Statements

Car driving on a road

Use your knowledge of conditional, converse, inverse, contrapositive, and biconditional statements to complete this assignment. Begin the assignment by explaining each of the following: conditional statement, converse, inverse, contrapositive, and biconditional statement. Include both the words and symbols in your explanation. Be sure that your explanation is written in your own words. Then, follow the link provided below to access the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Driver's Manual.

URL iconVirginia Department of Motor Vehicles Driver's Manual

Using the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Driver's Manual, complete the following.
  1. Select three different statements in the driver's manual that can be written as conditional statements in if-then form. Be sure to note the page numbers where your conditional statements can be found.
  2. Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of each conditional statement.
  3. Locate a statement that can be written as a valid biconditional. Use what you have learned about logic and conditional statements to defend your choice. Be sure to include the page number where your statement can be found.

You will need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment, so please submit a Works Cited document with your assignment submission. If you need assistance, visit the Student Resources section for information on citing resources. Before you begin, review the Conditional and Biconditional Statements Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.


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