A conditional statement is a logical argument consisting of two events, in which the occurrence of one event is dependent upon the other.
If Event A occurs, then Event B occurs.
Many mathematical relationships, as well as everyday occurrences, can be described by using conditional statements.
If two lines are parallel, then they do not intersect.
Tomorrow is Tuesday if today is Monday.
Prepare to explore conditional statements and learn how making slight changes to a conditional statement can affect its meaning.
Essential Questions
- How can you identify the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of a conditional statement?
- How can you write a true biconditional statement?
- How can you use a counterexample to determine that an argument is false?

Before you begin, take a moment to view this conversation between Chloe and Amelia. In this non-graded interactivity, you will see how two friends are able to use logic and reasoning to make plans for the movies. Click the player button to get started.