Triangle Rhymes
During this module, you learned about characteristics of triangles and triangle relationships. Now you get to be creative with this new knowledge in a collaborative group project. For this assignment, you will work with your peers to develop a creative piece (song, poem, rap, etc.) about the content you studied in this module. Your group will present your work to the rest of the class as determined by your instructor.
Collaboration occurs when two or more people work together toward a common goal. In this assignment, your group's goal is to design a creative presentation that explains triangle relationships. Your group may create a song, poem, rap, or something else approved by your instructor. Your project should explain the following key information:
- ordering the sides and angles of a triangle,
- applying the Triangle Inequality Theorem, and
- determining the range of the length of the third side of a triangle.
Your group should be as creative as possible and include all members of your group.