Module Assessment

Quadrilaterals Venn Diagram

Example Venn Diagram

Venn diagrams are graphic organizers that show the similarities and differences between two or more items. Using your knowledge of quadrilaterals, parallelograms, rectangles, rhombi, trapezoids, and squares, you should construct a Venn diagram to organize your thoughts about these geometric figures.

Remember, some groups will live completely within another because they share all of their properties with a bigger group. Others will simply overlap because they only share some of their properties. Include the sharing properties within each overlapping circle. Include any unique characteristics where the circles do not overlap.

An example of how this Venn diagram should be setup is included in the image on this page. However, you will notice that some of the figures are missing labels. You can use this basic setup, but you will need to complete the diagram with the proper labels and characteristics. You can also create your own original Venn diagram.

Before you begin, review the Quadrilaterals Venn Diagram Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.

Options to create your Quadrilaterals Venn Diagram include the following.

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