The Perfect Machine

human systemsMuch like an automobile, your body is made of several parts that are grouped into systems:

  • Circulatory
  • Muscular
  • Urinary
  • Digestive
  • Nervous
  • Reproductive
  • Endocrine
  • Respiratory
  • Lymphatic/Immune
  • Integumentary
  • Skeletal

In the case of your body, the parts are called organs.  Each organ has a specific job that will affect the job of another organ.  The systems intertwine into a complex, awesome machine that responds to activity and the food you eat. Choosing an active lifestyle over a sedentary lifestyle means that you make physical activity part of your regular routine. Games, sports, dancing, and recreational activities can give you the physical activity you need in a form you enjoy.

It takes a combination of smart nutritional and physical activity choices to keep all the systems of your body running efficiently and smoothly.